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Emerus Physician Dr. Hemant Vankawala Elected TCEP Secretary

Hemant Vankawala, MD, FACEP, a board-certified emergency medicine specialist at Emerus and a founding partner of the company, has been elected secretary of the prestigious Texas College of Emergency Physicians (TCEP). He has served on the organization’s Board of Director for the past two years.

Dr. Vankawala was elected by the Board of Directors during the TCEP Connect Conference, held April 21-24 in Galveston. TCEP, headquartered in Austin, serves to promote quality emergency care for all patients and to represent the professional interests of its members.

“We founded Emerus to improve both provider satisfaction and patient outcomes,” Vankawala said. “For me, working with TCEP is a natural extension of that vision. TCEP continues to work hard to make sure Texas remains the best state in the union to practice our craft.

“A favorable tort environment, reimbursement schedule and diverse practice opportunities are never things to be taken for granted,” Vankawala said. “TCEP remains committed to represent its membership, and it has been my privilege to serve as a member of its Board of Directors and, now, as its secretary.”

Vankawala received his undergraduate education at Trinity University in San Antonio, his master’s in science from the University of North Texas in Denton, and his doctorate of medicine from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He trained in emergency medicine at Texas Tech University in El Paso.